Statement from the Global Coalition for Tech Justice to Advertisers: Join us in Calling for Big Tech to Protect People and Elections
We, the undersigned civil society organizations and digital rights experts, are calling upon advertisers to join us as allies in the global effort to protect elections and safeguard human rights. Our call comes a year after we first engaged with tech companies, demanding that they safeguard people and elections in this crucial year for democracy globally. Yet, our pleas have fallen on deaf ears.
We are halfway through this massive “year of democracy” during which more than 2 billion people are voting across more than 65 countries. This election megacycle is the first to take place in the age of social media and artificial intelligence, an era dominated by a few massive corporations who wield disproportionate power over our online civic space, our data and information integrity.
So far, Big Tech platforms have failed to do their part to safeguard the integrity of elections and protect human rights, despite the considerable efforts of the Global Coalition for Tech Justice (GCTJ) to engage major tech corporations, including Meta, Google, X, and TikTok, since July 2023. We have repeatedly conveyed the demands of the Year of Democracy campaign and called upon Big Tech to develop and publicly disclose robust election plans for the 2024 elections megacycle.
But Big Tech’s response has been totally inadequate, with stark implications for the integrity of elections and tech harms that include disinformation, hate speech, and influence operations that ruin lives and undermine elections. In February, AI-generated content spread on tech platforms helped an alleged human rights abuser become president of Indonesia, while in Pakistan, female journalists and politicians were targeted in a hateful post-elections social media campaign. Last month, politicians and bad actors in South Africa were spreading conspiracy theories about vote rigging. And in June in Mexico, some voters were so confused by misinformation, they weren’t sure how to mark their ballot.
In fact, massive layoffs in trust and safety, election integrity, ethics and regional teams combined with restrictions on data access for researchers show that Big Tech companies are slashing investments and oversight of platform safety, even as they continue to profit from hate-filled ads and disinformation. At the same time, artificial intelligence has exacerbated the ability to create and spread online disinformation, microtarget voters and amass vast quantities of user data.
Your advertising dollars are at the heart of the Big Tech business model – and indeed end up funding these tech harms. How tech platforms feature your advertisements – whether next to climate denialism, technology-facilitated gender-based violence, false political advertising, election disinformation, hate speech or incitement to violence, can impact your brand in important ways. For example, a survey by the Brand Safety Institute and the Trustworthy Accountability Group revealed almost 90% of UK consumers would reduce their purchases of a brand’s products if their ads appeared next to racist or hate speech.
Individually, none of us is strong enough to shift the behavior of these behemoths meaningfully: our future on so many fronts depends on us standing together until Big Tech is made to put human and civil rights first and protect the integrity of our civic space.
Advertisers can wield tremendous power to influence the behavior of Big Tech and protect our democracies and human rights. We as global civil society representatives have sounded the alarm, and now we urge advertisers to stand with us – vocally and publicly. As the US elections approach, and with elections from Tunisia to Ghana still to come in 2024, we ask that advertisers join us in calling upon tech platforms to urgently adopt and apply comprehensive measures to safeguard people and elections equitably worldwide during the 2024 election cycle and into the future.
This initiative is organized by Digital Action and members of the Global Coalition for Tech Justice (GCTJ).
Advertisers can learn more at and sign a solidarity letter. Contact info:
- #jesuislà
- #MeRepresenta
- #ShePersisted
- 7amleh – The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media
- ACRD-Congo
- Africa Sans Haine
- AfroLeadership
- AI Forensics
- Aláfia Lab | *desinformante
- Al Bawsala
- Aliança Nacional Lgbti+
- ALQST for Human Rights
- All Out
- Amnesty International, Kenya
- Article 19 Eastern Africa
- Associação Alternativa Terrazul
- Avaaz
- Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum
- Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
- Bareedo Platform Somalia
- Beam Reports
- Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
- Campaign On Digital Ethics (CODE)
- Casa Hacker
- Center for AI Ethics and Governance in Africa – CAIEGA
- Center for Information Technology and Development (CITAD)
- Center for Legal Support
- Center for Media Research – Nepal
- Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
- Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sobre Internet
- Check First
- Check My Ads
- Civic Tech Field Guide
- Civil Society Advocacy Network On Climate Change and the Environment Sierra Leone (CAN-SL)
- Co – Creation Hub, GoVote (CcHUB)
- Coalizão Negra por Direitos
- Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)
- Common Cause India
- Common Cause Zambia
- Common good foundation Anna Amoomo
- Community Focus Foundation Ghana (CFF-Ghana)
- Conectas Direitos Humanos
- Conscious Ad Network
- Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO)
- Council for Responsible Social Media in Kenya
- Daraj Media
- Datalat Foundation
- Defend Democracy
- Democracia em Xeque
- Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)
- Desinformante & Aláfia Lab
- Devon Turner (Legal Resources Centre – South Africa)
- Digital Access
- Digital Citizenship
- Digital HUmanities Lab (Federal University of Bahia)
- Digital Rights Advocacy
- Digital Rights Foundation
- Digital Rights Lab – Sudan
- Disarm Foundation
- DISARM Foundation
- Ekō
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- European Partnership for Democracy
- Fair Vote UK
- FEMALE organization
- Foresight Generation Club
- Friends of Democracy
- Friends of the Earth U.S.
- Fundación Internet Bolivia
- Global Action Plan
- Global Digital Citizenship Lab, York University
- Global Project Against Hate and Extremism
- Global Witness
- Great Hope Foundation Malawi
- Greek Helsinki Monitor
- Guendalina Simoncini
- Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR)
- Helen Suzman Foundation
- Hindus for Human Rights
- Hope and Courage Collective
- Human Rights Journalists Network Nigeria
- Human Rights Watch
- HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagament
- Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
- Idayat Hassan
- IDDLAC (Contextual)
- impACT International
- India American Muslim Council
- India American Muslim Council
- India Civil Watch International
- Inform Africa
- Innovation for Change Middle East and North Africa
- INSM for Digital Rights in Iraq
- Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)
- Instituto Vero
- International Council of Indian Musilms (ICIM)
- International Media Support
- International Press Institute
- Intersection Association for Rights and Freedoms
- Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA)
- Jordan Transparency Center
- Journalists for Human Rights
- Judith foundation
- Koneta Hub
- Law and Public Policy Center
- Lawyers Hub
- Legal Dignity
- Legal Grounds Institute
- Legal Resources Centre
- LOVE-Storm – Together against Online Hate
- LoveAid Foundation
- Me Representa
- Media Alliance of Zimbabwe
- Media Monitoring Africa
- Misbar
- Myanmar Internet Project
- Netlab-UFRJ
- News Literacy Lab
- Open Britain
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- OpenWatch
- Panos Institute Southern Africa
- Paradigm Initiative
- Paradigm Initiative
- Pen to Paper (
- People Vs Big Tech
- Poliwatch Africa
- Pollicy
- Real Facebook Oversight Board
- Research Tree
- Rinascimento Green
- Salamat Dz
- Samir Kassir Foundation
- Sleeping Giants Brasil
- Social Movement Technologies
- SocialTIC
- society for environment and education
- Stichting The London Story
- Tech Global Institute
- Tech Justice
- Tech4Peace
- The African Middle Eastern Leadership Project (AMEL)
- The Center for Freedom of Information
- The Citizens
- The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
- The Visual Activist
- Transparency International EU
- Ubunteam
- USC Neely Center
- Verify-Sy
- Wathata Kinyua Foundation
- Webfala Digital Skills for all Initiative
- West Africa ICT Action Network
- Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
- Youth and Society (YAS)
- Zambian Cyber Security Initiative Foundation
- Aashka Raval
- Agita Pasaribu
- Amira Galal
- Anna Grace Calhoun
- Anne Oloo
- Anriette Esterhuysen
- Bárbara Paes
- Camilla Machuy
- Cheryl Akinyi
- Cosima Wiltshire
- Danielle novaes
- Dima Samaro
- Dr. Michael Strautmann
- Dr. Simon Kruschinski
- Ella Shoup
- Eya Oueslati
- Fatuma Nyirenda
- Francesca Edgerton
- Hiba Monzer
- Ingrid Farias
- James
- Karina Mendoza
- Karyn Caplan
- Keerti Rajagopalan
- Kirsten Fiedler
- Kyle Taylor
- Lotanang Marothe
- Luis Serrano
- Luise Koch
- Luiz Eugenio Scarpino Junior
- Manuel Alejandro Baron Romero
- Maria Paula Russo Riva
- Martin Kapenda
- Michaela Nakayama Shapiro
- Mostafa Fouad
- Nasiru Deen
- Natalia Albert
- Natalia Zuazo
- Nevine Ebeid
- Pablo Nunes
- Paola Cantarini Guerra
- Raymond Amumpaire
- Renatha Maria Giordani
- Ricardo de Holanda Melo Montenegro
- Rima Sghaier
- Sam Phiri
- Seble G. Workneh
- Seongkyul Park
- Tundun Folami
- Yasmin Curzi